born 17/04-1992, Denmark.
Phone: +45 26 28 48 17
SkypeID: louisehovgard
2D and 3D Character Animation
Puppet and Cut-Out Animation
2D FX Animation
Character design
Simple Rigging in ToonBoom Harmony
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Project Management
- ToonBoom Harmony
- TVPaint
- Autodesk Maya
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe AfterEffects
- CelAction
Work Experience:
Danish (fluently)
English (fluently)
French (basic)
- ToonBoom Harmony
- TVPaint
- Autodesk Maya
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe AfterEffects
- CelAction
Work Experience:
- Currently available for work!
- November - December 2024 - "Apex Legends: Takeover Anthem Trailer" - Animation Assist at Sun Creature Studio.
2D Handdrawn Cleanup, Colour, Highlights and Shadows in TvPaint.
- July - September 2024 - Volunteer for Red Cross Denmark, in Allerød.
- December 2023 - March 2024 - Internship at Nordsjællands Konferencecenter.
SoMe content creation, Picture- and Video Editing, File Management, Floorplan designing and ad. hoc tasks.
- January 2022 - February 2023 - "100 Problemer - Season 1" and "Shabholm" - at Hyænefilm.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- November 2021 - December 2021. "Børste og Bondegården" at Copenhagen Bombay.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- November 2020 - July 2021. "Superhelten Sprinter Galore" Season2 and 3 and "Børste"- at Copenhagen Bombay.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- October-November 2020 - Project Management Course - at Talent Garden Rainmaking, Copenhagen.
- June - December 2019 - "Superhelten Sprinter Galore" Season 1- at Copenhagen Bombay.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- March 2019 - Untitled Pilot - at Copenhagen Bombay.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- February 2019 - "Travel Oregon - Only Slightly (More) Exaggerated" - Color Detail Artist at Sun Creature Studio.
2D Handdrawn Highlights and Shadows in TvPaint.
- December 2018 - Untitled Project - at Copenhagen Bombay.
2D Puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- Aug - Sept 2018 - Volunteer for Red Cross Denmark, in Allerød.
- Jan 2017- May 2018 - Disney's "Big Hero 6: The Series" - Dir. by Nick Filippi, Created by Mark McCorkle, Bob Schooley.
at Nørlum, Viborg.
2D Animation, Posing, Clean-up, Tone in ToonBoom Harmony.
- Sep - Dec 2016 - "Ratio Between Two Volumes" - Directed by Catarina Sobral, Short Film, Animanostra, Lisbon.
Internship, 2D Animation, ToonBoom Harmony.
School Projects:
- 2015 - June 2016 - "Dark Dark Woods" - Directed by Emile Gignoux, Graduation film 2017, The Animation Workshop.
2D Character and FX Animation, Character Design, Storyboarding. TvPaint, Photoshop, Premiere.
- 2016 - "A Day with Dad" - Directed by Mads Bøge, The National Film School of Denmark.2D puppet Animation in ToonBoom Harmony.
- 2015 - "Cycle" - Directed by Laura Kunov, Commercial project, The Animation Workshop.
3D Character animation in Maya, Clay sculpting, Photoshop mixing and inbetweening.
- 2015 - "Grandma's Hero" - Directed by Ben Ozeri and Corentin Monnier, Graduation film 2016, The Animation Workshop
2D Character and VFX Animation in TvPaint.
- 2014 - "Grease"- Trailer project, The Animation Workshop.Lead Animator, 3D animation in Maya.
- 2014 - "Zizi" - Directed by Emma Carré - TV series development, La Pourdrière.2D Animation in Adobe AfterEffects.
- 2013 - "Round Rob" - Short short film project, The Animation Workshop.Lead Animator on Dog, 2D Animation, Character Design. TvPaint, Photoshop.
- 2020 - A course in Project Management at Talentgarden Copenhagen.
- 2013 - January 2017 Bachelor Degree in Character Animation at The Animation Workshop, Denmark.
- 2012 - The Basic Course in Web Developer (GF2) at Media College, Viborg.
- 2012 - A semester in Classical Drawing at The Drawing Academy, Denmark.
Danish (fluently)
English (fluently)
French (basic)